Anita De Franco

Urban planner by education, Anita obtained her doctoral degree cum laude at the PhD programme in Urban Planning, Design and Policy, Polytechnic University of Milan. Her research interest is focused on the link between social norms and spatial transformation. In particular, she tries to apply the approaches of institutional economics, social ontology and phenomenology in urban studies.

She carried out her studies, academic activities and research at various institutions, among which the Bartlett School of Planning, at UCL London (2013), the University of Utrecht (2019), Alta Scuola Politecnica (2019), and the Polytechnic University of Turin (2020-2021), University of Pavia (2021), IUSS Pavia (2022). Since 2017, she has collaborated to different international research projects, among which  COHSMO, TAU, Forms, Rules, Values , QUICHE, RENergetic, NOUS, NATI00NS.

Currently, she is an adjunct professor at the University of Pavia (DICAR) and assistant professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan (DASTU). She is a co-founder and member of the executive team of NormaCtivity: research network on human and non-human normativity (from 2020), a member of the coordination team AESOP TG: Ethics, Values and Planning (from 2022), contributor and research fellow  IREF: Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues (from 2023).

Her work has been published in Routledge Handbooks (forthcoming), Springer briefs in geography (2021), Springer books series (2022, 2021, 2020a, 2020b), and peer-reviewed international journals among which Planning Theory (2023), Valori e Valutazioni (2023) Cities (2023, 2021), European Planning Studies (2022) Journal of Urban Affairs (2020).

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