Stay tuned for other upcoming events!


We are in the process of organizing new events… Stay tuned!


“Experiencing Mykolaiv”
New European Bauhaus Festival (NEB)
Satellite Event
March – April 2024



Grounded in the exp-EIA© 4P (experiential Environmental Impact Assessment 4P ‘Public–Private–People partnership’) methodology, which merges architecture and psychology, this NEB event aims to map and compare perceptions of Mykolaiv (Ukraine) locations to facilitate the sharing of perspectives and ideas on urban regeneration processes.

More info here

“Why is Ortica beautiful?”
New European Bauhaus Festival (NEB)
Satellite Event
April 15, 2024



“Why is Ortica Beautiful?” is an experiential walk aiming to understand the perception of urban biodiversity by city users and enhance its recognition in Ortica neighborhood in Milan. What is the shape of biodiversity in this part of the city? How much is it recognized and appreciated? How can walking practice be used to map and experience biodiversity? These and other questions constitute the starting point of our walk.

More info here

a.y. 2023/2024 – Second Semester
We are thrilled to launch the inaugural edition of the course “ADVANCED METHODOLOGIES FOR HUMAN-CENTERED URBAN DESIGN,” led by Prof. Barbara Piga and Prof. Luca Mainardi!

29th September 2023
Computational Design and Experiential Simulation for Urban Planning and Design
The seminar aims to present advanced methodologies and applications of Computational Design and Experiential Simulation, including Virtual and Augmented Reality, developed and applied in scientific research and professional urban planning and design practice. The presentations aim to provide different perspectives and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, including methodologies, applications, and implications.

Augmented Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for Cities

Special issue in the Urban Forestry & Urban Greening Journal

Guest Editors:
Israa Mahmoud, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Eugenio Morello, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Adriano Bisello, Eurac, Bolzano, Italy
Dionysia Kolokotsa, Technical University of Crete, Greece.

Important dates:
Submission portal opens from: May 1st, 2022
Full paper submission deadline:January 31st, 2023  30 April 2023
Short title to select during submission: Augmented NBS for Cities

20-25 JUNE 2022 |  “EXPERIENCING NANTE.  A PSYCHO-ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH TO URBAN DESIGN” International and Interdisciplinary Workshop (Nantes, FR)

The workshop offers an innovative and interdisciplinary perspective on theoretical and methodological aspects in the field of urban simulation and urban design. It emphasizes the contribution given by architecture, informatics, and psychology in developing places conjugating human wellbeing and environmental sustainability. The approach is consistent with the notion of human-centered design, which considers subjective emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and sensory aspects to describe the relationship of people with the environment. A specific focus is devoted to VR/AR simulation techniques as a support for co-design activities. 

The workshop is strictly connected to European Project “AR4CUP: Augmented Reality for Collaborative Urban Planning” 2019 and 2020 and will apply the exp-EIA© (experiential Environmental Impact Assessment) method within the City Sense app, i.e. the two main outcomes of the AR4CUP project.

Call for participants \ Politecnico di Milano: Dettaglio Corso (

Flyer and Program \ ExperiencingNantes_2022_Flyer_Abstract_Program.pdf

Previous events \ exp-EIA© & City Sense Events 

23 May 2022 | MultiCAST | Multiscale Thermal-related Urban Climate Analysis and Simulation Tool  | Kick-Off Meeting 

18-22 JULY 2022 |  Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions – SSPCR 2022

Session on Augmented Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for Cities:
Embedding technologies for improving NBS performance and
fostering social inclusion in urban greening strategies
At Bolzano, Italy, Join us on a special session on #nature-basedsolutions and #urbantechnology organized by Dr. Israa Mahmoud, Prof. Eugenio Morello from Politecnico di Milano,  Dr. Adriano Bisello from Eurac Institute and Prof. Denia Kolokotsa from Technical University of Crete. The session is a cross collaboration between CLEVER Cities and VARCities, Horizon 2020 projects.
We are Granted a special issue in the Urban Forestry & Urban Greening Journal!

Guest Editors:
Israa Mahmoud, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Eugenio Morello, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Adriano Bisello, Eurac, Bolzano, Italy
Dionysia Kolokotsa, Technical University of Crete, Greece.

Important dates:
Submission portal opens from: May 1st, 2022
Full paper submission deadline: January 31st, 2023

Short title to select during submission: Augmented NBS for Cities


At Politecnico di Milano, on the 12Th of April afternoon (18:00-20:00), the Organizing team of Greening Cities Shaping Cities will be joined on stage with Prof. Maria Beatrice Andreucci (La Sapienza University) , Prof. Niki Frantzeskaki (Utrecht University) and Dr. Daniela Rizzi (Iclei) in a conversation with the editors of the book. Followed by a roundtable discussion with Prof. Davide Geneletti, Prof. Fabiano Lemes, Prof. Eugenio Morello and Dr. Israa Mahmoud. [More info here: Agenda and Registration form].



At Politecnico di Milano, on the 25th of November afternoon (15.30-18.30), the Organizing team of Greening Cities Shaping Cities will be joined on stage with Prof. Niki Frantzeskaki, Dr. Nadina Galle. Followed by a roundtable discussion with Prof. Davide Geneletti, Prof. Fabiano Lemes, Prof. Eugenio Morello and Dr. Israa Mahmoud. [More info here: Agenda and Registration form].


Il 22 novembre p.v., presso gli spazi di Digital Technologies, si svolgerà il quarto e ultimo workshop del Living Lab di Trezzano s/N nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca Aree Produttive Aree Pro-Adattive (AP+A). Insieme alle aziende che ci hanno seguito in questo ricco percorso discuteremo azioni progettuali e prospettive di governance future verso distretti produttivi pro-adattivi.

08-10/10/2021 | FESTA DELL’ARIA – FERRARA

3 Days of Air Fest in Ferrara! Air Break – Ferrara An event co-created with citizens contributing to improve air quality in town. Three days of workshops, visits, science espresso, networking and citizen engagement made accessible the topic of “Air-Quality” in the city. We built processes and formats to bring diversity, interdisciplinarity together and approach the complexity of an urban challenge with a high impact on public health! With Farah Makki (leader), Erpinio Labrozzi (leader of FerrAria) and Nicola Colaninno.

#airbreakferraraUIA (Urban Innovative Actions)#festivalsvilupposostenibile#stiamoagendo#airquality


The Horizon 2020 EIT Digital “AR4CUP: Augmented Reality for Collaborative Urban Planning” (POLIMI – DAStU – labsimurb: coordinator B.Piga) won the First Prize of theLAVAL AWARD EUROPE 2021 (23rd edition) (23rd Ed.)  as XR4CUP as the best project of the “Service” category.

The project developed a Software as a Service (SaaS), commercially named City Sense, for supporting the design and evaluation phases of urban transformations with a participatory human-centered approach (exp-EIA©). By coupling architecture and representation, environmental and social psychology, data mining, and artificial intelligence this innovative solution enables to assess the experience of existing or designed places on-site via Augmented Reality and off-site via Virtual Reality. Laval Virtual promotes creators of Extended Reality (XR) solutions worldwide by recognizing outstanding Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality projects and their creators. Here the finalists and winners of all categories:


May 12th , 2021
Al Wired Next Fest 2021  (sezione Social Innvoation) intervista a Barbara Piga e Marco Boffi sul il metodo exp-EIA© e la app CitySense.
L’intervento parlerà dell’uso della realtà aumentata per mostrare agli abitanti come cambieranno i quartieri dopo gli interventi di trasformazione urbana. Uno strumento utile anche per raccogliere feedback e valutare l’impatto che un progetto ha sulla qualità della vita delle persone.

exp-EIA© – experiential Environmental Impact Assessment
(Copyright BOIP N. 123453 – 06.05.2020 & Copyright BOIP N. 130516 – 25.02.2021)

24-26/03/2021 | “Experiencing Sabadell – Carrer de Perez Moya”

March 24th and 26th, 2021
Students of the Serra School and citizens living the district every day provided their feedback on the renovated street Carrer de Perez Moya. They experienced the area via Virtual Reality using the CitySense app. The event was held in the presence of the City Mayor.


“Experiencing the City of Today and Tomorrow”

Giovedì 18 marzo 2021, ore 10:00

Durante l’evento “Experiencing the City of Today and Tomorrow”, parte della Milano Digital Week, è stata presentata l’app CitySense, esito dei progetti Europei AR4CUP 2019 e 2020. Durante tutto il periodo della Digital Week è stato possibile esplorare via smartphone alcuni spazi urbani e raccontare il proprio punto di vista tramite la Realtà Virtuale e Aumentata.

Video teaser di presentazione dell’app:

Video dell’evento di presentazione del metodo Exp-EIA© & CitySense:

17/03/2021 | Siamo lieti di presentare il progetto AP+A e il caso pilota di Trezzano sul Naviglio il 17 marzo ore 11:30 all’evento pubblico online “Verso l’Agenda metropolitana per lo sviluppo sostenibile di Città metropolitana di Milanoorganizzato da Città metropolitana [Scarica il programma qui].


28/01/2021   | ENERGY, CLIMATE & URBAN PLANNING Open Day:

A green hug for Milan Final review of the design projects developed by the students during the studio.  This year the studio has investigated the topic of diffusing and integrating adaptation and mitigation measures, including Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the urban regeneration process in the communities located close among the circle line.

02-09-21/12/2020 | “Experiencing THE SIGN”

Durante l’evento “Experiencing THE SIGN” è stato presentato il progetto di rigeneraizone urbana The Sign sviluppato da Covivio con Progetto CMR  e il progetto europeo H2020 EIT Digital (Digital Cities) AR4CUP, applicato in fase sperimentale su The Sign.

Durante “Experiencing THE SIGN” è stato possibile visualizzare in modo inereattivo, tramite l’app AR4CUP in modalità Realtà Virtuale, il progetto The Sign.

01/12/2020 | Special issue on Sustainability announced!
As part of Greening Cities Shaping Cities Symposium results, we are proud to announce the call for papers in collaboration with CLEVER Cities project to announce a special issue on Sustainability journal section of Urban and rural development. see here
The special issue looks namely at themes of Shared governance and citizen engagement in Nature-based Solutions ambits in cities. link ,


Aree Produttive, Aree Pro-Adattive (AP+A) è promosso dal Politecnico di Milano – Dastu e finanziato dal Ministero dell’Ambiente. AP+A  studia e implementa strategie e azioni di sostenibilità, mitigazione e adattamento nei distretti produttivi e commerciali della Città metropolitana di Milano, perseguendo gli ambiziosi obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite e della Strategia Nazionale di Sviluppo Sostenibile.

Presentiamo i risultati del progetto Cariplo “VERSO PAESAGGI DELL’ABITARE E DEL LAVORARE A PROVA DI CLIMA: Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici”. Per partecipare al Convegno online bisogna iscriversi a questo link:

12-13/10/2020 | GREENING CITIES SHAPING CITIES Symposium
How are greening strategies re-shaping cities and the built environment? Which opportunities and challenges are scholars and practitioners facing in terms of physical transformation, and governance approaches when integrating green in cities? The call for papers is out now on four main themes and emerging questions:
1. Spatial challenges of NBS implementation in practice.
2. Sharing governance and Capacity Building for NBS.
3. Mainstreaming NBS in urban planning policies and decision-making processes.
4. Citizen engagement in urban greening processes and co-design experiences of NBS.

For more info, please contact the Organizing Committee (Israa Mahmoud, Eugenio Morello, Giuseppe Salvia) at 


Info at:
Submission Deadline 30.8.’20 23:59 (UTC+7)
Total Prize $5.500

How should we shape our city for the unknown future? How can architecture, urban design, and planning respond to the resilience of the city during and after the pandemic outbreak? This are the questions to answer within the international competition “Future city: Smart design for post-pandemic world”.  Participants are asked to look at the existing urban built environment and imagine how it should cope with future pandemic. Participants are free to transform existing areas or propose a new design on a site of their choice. Participants need to apply unique strategies and creative designs to tackle the disease crisis, taking technology development into account. This competition encourages participants to be bold and think outside the box.
The competition is launched by Institute of Smart City and Management (ISCM), University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city (UEH) in partnership with University of Architecture Hochiminh city, Hochiminh city University of Technology, Handong Global University, Technical University of Mandalay, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Politecnico di Milano (DAStU), Le Cnam, University of Melbourne. The competition is sponsored by HTE Global Co. Ltd, Handong Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., and Korea Institute of Building Energy Technology.
POLIMI Responsible Person: Barbara E. A. Piga (DAStU – labsimurb)

16/12/2019 | AR4CUP Pilot Case Study Application: “Experiencing VITAE

Lunedi 16 Dicembre 2019 (11.00 – 14.30)
Auditorium dell’HQ Fastweb
piazza Olivetti 1 – Milano 

Il progetto europeo “AR4CUP: Augmented Reality for Collaborative Urban Planning” verrà applicato in fase sperimentale su “VITAE” (Reinventing Cities) durante l’evento dedicato “Experiencing VITAE”, organizzato da labsimurb (B.Piga) con Covivio.

Semperverde is an event aimed at contributing to the greening of Milan and the metropolitan city, enhancing currently latent urban resources and spaces, such as public residential stock, schools and hospitals, peripheral contexts and production areas.

More info

Labsimurb will join The Global Program of Hush City Soundwalks that will take place in September 2019 in multiple cities worldwide to celebrate the Sound Walk Sunday 2019. Starting on September 1st 2019 and continuing during the month, 19 Hush City Soundwalks will be guided by different soundwalk leaders in multiple locations worldwide, using the Hush City app. Attend our walk in Milano!

More info


The call for participants to the 4th international workshop Mobiance is now open! 
Call for participation Deadline 12.07.2019 POLIMI INNOVATIVE TEACHING CFU 2  N. of POLIMI Students 4 (CV-Portfolio selection)
More info about the previous Mobiance 2017 workshop at POLIMI (Milan) at
Mobiance 2017 outcomes at
POLIMI coordinator Barbara Piga (labsimurb)

We are glad to announce that labsimurb belongs to the partnership of the winning project VITAE!
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati – Habitech – Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
labsimurb team: Barbara Piga Eugenio Morello

The VITAE project will be the pilot case study of the labsimurb H2020 EU project AR4CUP (Coordinator B. Piga)

8-14/04/2019 | Labsimurb at FUORISALONE 2019!
INTERNI – HUMAN SPACES: URBAN ISLANDS at Università degli Studi di Milano, via Festa del Perdono 7, Cortile della Ghiaccia.

It will be possible to virtually experience the via Celoria redesign proposal “Ri-pensiamo via Celoria

labsimurb team: Barbara Piga (project leader) Elia Luongo Andrea Premoli

UNIMI – BAC team: Paolo Inghilleri (project leader) Marco Boffi Nicola Rainisio

11/01/2019   | ENERGY & URBAN PLANNING Open Day: Planning for a Green Urban transition Final review of the design projects developed by the students during the studio.  This year the studio has investigated the topic of diffusing and integrating Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in urban regeneration processes in the Milan area, in particular focusing the attention on Municipio 6 and the neighboring municipalities of the first ring as a case –study application.

07/11/2018  | CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI E TERRITORIO Final workshop and presentation of the research project at the Metropolitan City of Milan (in Italian). Outcomes and future climate planning perspectives are going to be presented and discussed with experts and local actors.
Organized by Labsimurb Polimi and Planning Climate Change Lab IUAV.

11/09/2018 & 02/10/2018 | Course on climate planning offered in two days at the Metropolitan City of Milan (in Italian). This dissemination activity is part of the research project Cambiamenti Climatici e Territorio. More info on the calendar on the official webpage: Day 1 and Day 2.
Organized by Labsimurb Polimi and Planning Climate Change Lab IUAV.

02/05/2018 | labsimurb international seminar: Investigating the Urban Experience | The seminar explores the humansenvironment relationship starting from the presentation of some case studies application.  Within the seminar prof. Peter Bosselmann from Berkeley University California will give a one-hour lecture titled “Response equivalence, comparing a real world experience to an experience of a digital media presentation”. For further information please contact:

Some pics here

05-06/03/2018 | Sharing Cities Shaping Cities | A research symposium on collaborative consumption and urban rearrangements. Politecnico di Milano. Co-funded by Dastu and Sharing Cities.

12/01/2018 | Energy & Urban Planning Open Day: Urban transition towards the sharing, smart and sustainable city  Final review of the design projects developed by the students during the studio, working on the regeneration of  the district “Milano Sharing Cities” Porta Romana – Vettabbia. Environmental, energy, mobility and social challenges are explored and translated into sustainable urban design solutions towards the sharing society paradigm.


20/06/2017 | International Concept and Design Competition Award Envisioning the City of the Future: Making the Invisible Visible 
The competition is an initiative promoted by labsimurb that aims at involving students, graduates and experts to imagine the city of the future. Participants are asked to imagine and design possible scenarios of the city of the future, starting from the values that the “sharing society” is promoting: How will smart and sharing cities look like in the future? How are these changes going to impact on people’s lives in cities? Competition Outcomes

27/02/2017 – 03/03/2017 | Mobiance 3 International Seminar and Workshop
The third edition of ‘Mobiance – Mobile Ambiances’ is hosted at Polimi and organized by labsimurb. The topic will be the envisioning of future urban atmosphere in the age of collaborative cities. Attendees will investigate how collaborative consumption in sharing cities will lead to new ambiances, generating unexpected man and environment relationships.

Past Organized Events


22-23/05/2014 | Computational Design and Research: current research at Aedas R&D 
Research Seminar and Workshop | Politecnico di Milano 
Event organized within the ‘Architectural and Urban Simulation’ course 
Invited Speakers: Christian Derix and Asmund Izaki, Aeadas RandD 
Organizers: Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti, DAStU POLIMI (Eugenio Morello, Barbara Piga, Rossella Salerno with Laura Cibien and Anna Legnani)

25-28/09/2013 | EAEA 11 2013 – Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication. 
The Politecnico di Milano hold the 11th conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association.

Organizers: Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti, DiAP POLIMI (Eugenio Morello, Barbara Piga), in collaboration with POLIMI150, DiAP, Scuola di Architettura e Società

link to conference papers