NATI00NS: National engagement activities to support the launch of the Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses
Status \ Uprunning (Nov 2022 / Oct 2024) – 24 Months
Funding programme \ HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02
Project budget \ € 2.999.084,25 (€ 158.537,50 Dastu)
Project Coordinator \ Aaarhus Universitet
Keywords \ R&I Missions, Soil Deal, Soil Health, Living Lab, Lighthouse, Knowledge, Awareness
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The project on CORDIS
NATI00NS will assist the Mission during most of its first “induction and pilot” phase (2021 – 2025), acting as a messenger conveying the awareness-raising messages to national and regional stakeholders, providing access to capacity building materials and information, spurring the discussions on the best LL setups to address regional soil needs, and fostering early matchmaking for crossregional LL clusters. Eventually, the smooth execution of the project will be reflected in successful open calls receiving high-quality applications, funding the first two waves of LL networks, which can lead the way for the systemic change boosted by the Mission. The takeaways will be also useful to upcoming activities in the Mission’s second “expansion and innovation” phase (2025 – 2030) when the rest of the waves of LLs will be selected.
NATI00NS’ consortium has been carefully selected and formed with the intention of gathering and covering all the necessary expertise needed to ensure the successful execution of the work plan and achievement of the project’s objectives. This will, in turn, allow the partners to deliver the Mission’s expected impact on society, following the Mission’s objectives and goals. On the one hand, the project is counting on top experts on soil science, the Soil Deal R&I Mission, and co-participatory place-based innovation approaches under Living Labs. On the other hand, NATI00NS is granting adequate national outreach in all EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries (44 in total) through its 14 partners, its 6 Advisory Board members, and all their networks (i.e., BIOEAST, European Network of Living Labs, Soil Health National Hubs, ERIAFF, etc.).
Dastu Team
Eugenio Morello, Israa Mahmoud, Anita De Franco
– Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti
Grazia Concilio
Andrea Arcidiacono, Silvia Ronchi
– Laboratorio Piani Paesaggio Territori Ecosistemi