Current status Ongoing (October 2023 / September 2025)
Funding programme NextGenerationEU – PRIN
Project budget €241.737 (Labsimurb budget €41.430)
Keywords Walkability, Virtual Reality, Experiential Simulation, Urban Design, exp-EIA
MED4PED: Mobility Experience Decision support system for pre-assessing PEDedestrian walkability through on-site and off-site simulation
The MED4PED project focuses on walkability in urban settings, addressing the evolving physical environment and lifestyles. It aims to provide effective management methods for informed urban planning and design decision-making, considering urban and social dimensions.
The proposal involves the development of an integrated system supporting decision-making through data analysis and virtual-reality simulation. This system anticipates walking experience outcomes and proposes objective and perceptual solutions, such as policies, plans, and road designs. The interdisciplinary methodology incorporates the expertise of the partners, including POLIMI (transport, urban planning, simulation) and UNIMI (environmental and social psychology).
The MED4PED project includes an app, mobility simulators, and a usage protocol, configured as a Decision Support System for Public Administrations and other stakeholders involved in mobility decisions. It offers functionalities such as addressing design briefs, comparing alternative solutions, and validating choices before implementation. Evaluations encompass both qualitative and quantitative measures.
The project draws on the experiences of the i.Drive laboratory (POLIMI) and labsimurb (POLIMI-DAStU) in simulation and environmental impact assessment. It integrates aspects of the exp-EIA© methodology, which has been utilized in the City Sense app.
Overall, MED4PED serves as a comprehensive solution for urban mobility design phases and functions as a risk management tool for economic and social aspects.
Team, partners, and stakeholders
MED4PED is connected of the POLIMI i.Drive (Interaction Between Driver Road-Infrastructure Vehicles And Environment) lab in connection with Università degli Studi di Milano (BAC Dept. – environmental and social psychology)
POLIMI i.Drive \ Lorenzo Mussone (POLIMI & ABC Project Coordinator), Giandomenco Caruso (DMECC Project Coordinator), Barbara Piga (DAStU Project Coordinator)
LABSIMURB TEAM \ Barbara Piga (DAStU Project Coordinator)
Team: Ziqi Cui
Research Structure: Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti
MED4PED & MUSA – Sp.1 collaborate actively, sharing the common objective of designing cities with a human-centered approach and embracing a broader OneHealth perspective from diverse viewpoints