LPT version 2 (UNIMI – POLIMI)
Current status Ongoing (Septemebr 2022 / August 2025)
Funding programme Next Generation EU:
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) [Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – PNRR] – Innovation Ecosystem [Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione]: Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action (MUSA) – Spoke 1: Urban Regeneration (Cities of the Future)”
LPT version 1 (POLIMI)
Current status Completed (October 2021 / November 2022)
Funding programme Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) – “Departments of Excellence” (2018-2022) (L. 232/2016) – Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU)
Project budget € (labsimurb budget €70.000)
Luminous Planning Table (LPT)
A PHYGITAL Tool at the Heart of the exp-EIA© Ecosystem
The Luminous Planning Table is a PHYGITAL tool that combines digital and physical models and simulations. It is an integral part of the exp-EIA© ecosystem.
Luminous Planning Table (LPT) – version 1
The LPT (version 1) combines hardware and software to deliver a collaborative Phygital (Physical + Digital) platform that fosters multi-user collaboration through a multi-player approach. This interactive table allows for augmenting physical models via digital real-time projections (Digital Twin), using data of different natures and from different sources. A wide range of applications are possible, e.g. collaborative urban design and architectural professional design processes, educational activities, and public participation processes. Different users can interact with each other and with the simulated environment (both physically and digitally); for instance, modifying the urban\landscape layout produces real-time reactions of the environment, e.g. by rotating a scaled building, the projection of the sunlight changes accordingly on facades and the ground. Collaborations are possible both on-site or remotely.
The LPT (version 2) is currently under development; this version is a collaborative project between Politecnico di Milano (DAStU – labsimurb – B. Piga) and Università degli Studi di Milano (BAC – M. Boffi). Stay tuned for updates!
Some videos of the LPT are available here
exp-EIA© (Experiential Environmental Impact Assessment)
Italian Publication Number 102021000017168 – 30/06/2021; International Publication Number WO 2023/275679 A1 – 5.1.2023 \ Deposit of Patent for Invention N. 102024000011161 – 16.05.2024
LPT Copyright No. D000020125 – 16.06.2023; Copyright BOIP N. 130516 – 25.02.2021; Copyright BOIP N. 123453 – 06.05.2020
Team, partners, and stakeholders
LPT v.1 is designed and developed by POLIMI
LPT v.2 (mental maps) is co-designed and developed by POLIMI & UNIMI
Barbara Piga (POLIMI coordinator), ideation and responsible for the design brief, overall project, and methodology of LPT v. 1 & v. 2.
Marco Boffi (UNIMI coordinator), responsible for the design brief, overall project, and methodology of LPT v. 2.
POLIMI team \ Gabriele Stancato; Franz Enrique Valdiviezo Perez; Ersilia Datena; Celine Tarabay; Paolo Binetti, Gabriele Stancato
UNIMI team \ Nicola Rainisio, Giulia D’antonio
The LPT implemented by NovaLabs
LPT on the news
2024.11.08/09/10 FOCUS Live “TRAGUARDI”
Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”
Politecnico di Milano & Università degli studi di Milano
We presented our Luminous Planning Table at the Focus Live 2024 (Area Experience) event. Participants of all ages had the chance to interact with the table and explore its potential.
Area Experience: Focus Live 2024
Team involved:
B. Piga (POLIMI responsible), M. Boffi (UNIMI responsible)
Franz Enrique Valdiviezo Perez, Ersilia Datena, Celine Tarabay, Paolo Binetti
This event was held within the NextGenEU MUSA Urban Regeneration project
This event will focus on the approach, methods, and tools that enable the investigation of the link between space and community.
2024.05.09 POLIMI & UNIMI Press Conference (B. Piga and M. Boffi)
Journalists were invited to explore the Luminous Planning Table and ask us questions about its features and applications