Current status \ Completed (2017 / 2018)
Funding programme \ Fondazione Cariplo, extrabando “Progetti territoriali della Città di Milano e provincia” (Rif. 2017-0429)
Project budget \ € 115.000 (labsimurb budget € 40.000)
Keywords \ climate change adaptation, spatial analysis, urban resilience
Climate change and territory. Guidelines and operational proposals for the Metropolitan City of Milan: Pilot actions on four Homogeneous Zones
Project overview
Definition of a roadmap to implement a climate action plan for the Metropolitan City of Milan (CMM). In particular, the project aims at aligning the local framework of the CMM to the international debate and the new issues on the integration of climate action planning within the existing spatial planning instruments, thus pursuing targets of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and adaptation response, already established at the international level.
Specifically, starting from the CMM planning experience and the technical resources on the proposed themes, the study aims to:
(1) increasing knowledge and introducing climate change issues into local planning practices, thus reviewing instruments and plans under the umbrella of the territorial resilience;
(2) communicating and disseminating the challenges of climate change to local citizens, by defining a communication strategy;
(3) addressing spatial (territorial planning) and climate (environmental planning) challenges in an integrated way with efficiency-led targets.
Team, partners and stakeholders
LEADER \ Metropolitan City of Milan, Environment and Territory divisions
PARTNER 1 \ POLIMI, Dastu, labsimurb, Eugenio Morello, Nicola Colaninno, Giuseppe Salvia
PARTNER 2 \ IUAV, Dept. of Planning & Design, Planning&Climate Change Lab
SUPPORTER 1 \ Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio (AMAT)
SUPPORTER 3 \ Assolombarda
Impact and results
Tangible results of the project will be of three main types as follows and refer to the whole Metropolitan City of Milano (CMM), with a deeper detail for the four out of nine Homogeneous Zones that compose the Metropolitan City and which are the pilot areas for this study:
1. A final report containing the following content:
- the framework on mitigation and adaptation policies at international, national and local level;
- the definition of the local climate profile as reported on the national adaptation plan;
- the mapping of the current territory and the stakeholders, with a specific focus on the four pilot Homogeneous Zones of the CMM;
- the preliminary study to guide the construction of a process towards a future overall strategy to address mitigation and adaptation policies at the scale of the Metropolitan City of Milano (CMM)
- the maps as of point 2 below;
- the reporting of the dissemination activities as of point 3 below;
2. The elaboration of spatial planning support maps to inform the future Metropolitan Territorial Plan (PTM), aiming at integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges into the territorial governance and urban planning practice. Specifically, the collection of different datasets (*) and the calculation of site-specific indicators (on morphology, land use, land cover, topology, physical features, climate, socio-economics) will enable to generate an original methodology for the provision of vulnerability maps and the identification of Local Climate Zones (LCZ). The main outcomes of this work will represent a baseline for the PTM on the following topics:
- Heat waves vulnerability
- Hydrological vulnerability, in particular flooding
- The proposal for organizing the CMM into specific Local Climate Zones (LCZ)
- The assignment of site-specific adaptation measures detailed for the selected LCZs (for the creation of a CMM Adaptation Atlas/taxonomy) in order to produce pilot projects.
3. Dissemination activities on the topic of adaptation to climate change of two types, namely:
- training for technical staff of the public administration, through a series of courses;
- awareness raising aimed at citizens and local actors in a broad sense, through the organization of workshops at four out of the nine homogeneous zones of the CMM public events and dedicated forums.
News, outputs and other materials
Please visit the official website where you will find the latest project updates.
COLANINNO N. & MORELLO E., 2019, “Modelling the impact of green solutions upon the urban heat island phenomenon by means of satellite data“, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343 012010
Messori G., MORELLO E. and Caserini S., 2018, “Indice di Implementazione dei Piani d’Azione per l’Energia Sostenibile: metodologia e applicazione alla Città Metropolitana di Milano”. Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, 5:4, pp. 302-320.
COLANINNO N., MORELLO E., Musco F., Maragno D., 2018, I dati satellitari per l’analisi del fenomeno isola di calore urbano e la valutazione di misure di mitigazione: il caso della Città di Milano. Urbanistica Informazioni, (278 s.i.), pp. 54–61. Retrieved from
Magni F., COLANINNO N., Maragno D., MORELLO E., Musco F., Caserini S., 2018, Milano Città Metropolitana Resiliente: un percorso operativo a supporto della redazione del futuro Piano Territoriale Metropolitano. Urbanistica Informazioni, (278 s.i.), pp. 312–316. ISSN n. 0392-5005. Retrieved from
Maragno D., Ruzzante F., MORELLO E., COLANINNO N., Musco, F., 2018, Ondate di calore e resilienza urbana: una proposta metodologica per la valutazione della vulnerabilità della Città Metropolitana di Milano per ciascuna sezione di censimento Istat. In “Urbanistica Informazioni”, Interruptions, Intersections, Sharing And Overlappings. New perspectives for the territory. N 278, 210–214. ISSN n. 0392-5005.