Current status \ Ongoing (2018 / 2020)
Funding programme \ ForestaMI
Project budget \ € 120.000 (Labsimurb budget € 25,000)
Keywords \ urban forestation, tree-canopy, GIS, urban simulation, remote sensing
Project Overview
Comune di Milano, Città Metropolitana di Milano, Parco Nord Milano e Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, attraverso un protocollo di Intesa, collaborano con il Politecnico di Milano per costruire una visione strategica sul ruolo del verde nell’Area Metropolitana milanese, con l’obiettivo di raccogliere, implementare, e valorizzare i principali sistemi verdi, permeabili ed alberati —e le relative sfere vitali— all’interno del perimetro del Grande Parco Metropolitano al 2030.
Labsimurb responsible for tree mapping and estimation research.
Team, partners and stakeholders
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani
Research Structure: Future City Laboratory
Stefano Boeri (scientific coordinator), Maria Chiara Pastore (project manager) with Daniela Gambino, Livia Shamir
Research Structure: Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti
Nicola Colaninno, responsible for the tree-canopy assessment, estimate of the number of trees, implementation of scenarios
Eugenio Morello, supervisor of the tree mapping estimation and scenarios
Colaninno N., ElDesoky A., Morello E., 2020, “Tree canopy cover estimation by means of remotely sensed data for large geographical areas: overview, available data, and calculation proposal”, in Proceedings of the Virtual Cities and Territories Conference, 2-4 October 2019, Barcelona.
G. Ferla, P. Caputo, N. Colaninno, E. Morello, 2020, “Urban greenery management and energy planning: A GIS-based potential evaluation of pruning by-products for energy application for the city of Milan“, in Renewable Energy, vol. 160, pp. 185-195, ISSN: 1879-0682, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.06.105
News, outputs and other materials
Please refer to the project website where you will find the latest project updates.