Current status \ Ongoing (2018 / 2020)
Funding programme \ Polisocial Award, Politecnico di Milano
Project budget \ € 80,000 (Labsimurb budget € 36,000)
Project website \
Keywords \ Social housing, energy, environmental sustainability, codesign
Project overview
EnerPOP is a multidisciplinary project which intends to promote social and environmental sustainability for social housing in Milan. Social housing often represents contexts of major challenges that their residents face on a daily basis.
The municipality of Milan is committed to implement the critical conditions of – social and environmental – periphery, including the refurbishing of outdated or inefficient social housing buildings.
EnerPOP applies in the social housing of Feltrinelli 16, in the Milanese periphery, where about 500 people with 30+ nationalities live. The 150+ flats distributed in five main buildings underwent a major refurbishing intervention under the EC funded project EU Gugle, including the installation of PVs, wall insulation and forced air ventilation. The advantage gained by such technical implementations risk to be offset by the sometimes energivore behaviours of the inhabitants, namely due to lack of information or routinised daily practices.
EnerPOP intends to engage the residents of Feltrinelli 16 in a multiscalar process of technological training and social connection, in which the targeted environmental and energy challenges are opportunities to generate empowering and inclusivity impact.
Through a participatory approach, residents will play a primary role in the definition of how their building and relations with the other living in the same condo and in the area should be like in the name of social and environmental sustainability.
The planned outcomes include not only the documentation on fieldwork activities with the residents (e.g. publications and report) but also a guide for social impact assessment and interventions coming along with energy retrofit plans, which may be used to replicate and implement what has been learnt in and through Feltrinelli 16.
Team, partners and stakeholders
Coordinator: Lorenzo Pagliano (Scientific Coordinator)
With Eugenio Morello (Project Manager), Giuseppe Salvia (proponent and labsimurb team leader), Andrea Sangalli (proponent), Dario Sigona (proponent)
Research Structure: Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti
The working team set at the Politecnico di Milano is constituted by the labsimurb of the Urban Studies dept., the dept. of Energy and the Laboratorio Immagine of the Design dept. The partnership include also:
- The Municipality of Milan
- The residents committee of via Feltrinelli 16
- Unareti SpA
- Metropolitana Milanese SpA (MM)
- Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio (AMAT)
- Legambiente.
The project is supported by a larger network of stakeholders including Amici del Grattacielo dei Mille, Centro Arti Terapie Milano, Collaboriamo, Future Energy, Empatia, Luogo di vita e di incontro (Lu.Vi) Onlus, Seven Stars s.r.l., Spazio Aperto Servizi, Teicos UE s.r.l.
SALVIA G., MORELLO E., Rotondo F., Sangalli A., Causone F.; Erba S., Pagliano L., 2020, “Performance Gap and Occupant Behavior in Building Retrofit: Focus on Dynamics of Change and Continuity in the Practice of Indoor Heating”, in Sustainability, 12:24, 5820 pp. 1-25.
Sangalli A., Pagliano L., Causone F., SALVIA G., MORELLO E., Erba S., 2020, “Behavioural Change Effects on Energy Use in Public Housing: A Case Study“, in Littlewood J., Howlett R., Capozzoli A., Jain L. (eds), Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 163, Springer, Singapore.
SALVIA G., Rotondo F., MORELLO E., Sangalli A., Pagliano L., Causone F., 2019, “Sustainability designed with(out) people? Understanding for what energy is (over-)consumed by tenants in an energy efficient public housing in Milan”, in The LeNS World Distributed Conference – Designing Sustainability for All.
News, outputs and other materials
Please visit the project website where you will find the latest project updates, and the funding body website .