Eugenio Morello

labsimurb Scientific Coordinator, Associate Professor

An architect by education, Eugenio Morello is Associate Professor in Urban Design at Polimi and coordinator and research scientist at the Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (Dastu). Since 2017 he is the Rector’s Delegate for environmental sustainability and responsible for institutional projects towards a sustainable campus.

He is the department scientific supervisor of the Horizon 2020 MSCA MultiCAST project led by Nicola Colaninno (2022-2025) on the topic of thermal-related urban climate analysis and simulation. He is the principal investigator of the European Horizon 2020 projects Clever Cities (2018-2023) and Sharing Cities (2016-2021) and the UIA project Air-Break (2020-2023). In these projects he is responsible for the citizen engagement strategy and co-creation pathways and activities. For the Department he is also leading the activities for the research projects Climate change and territory and Towards climate-proof landscapes for living and working, both funded by Fondazione Cariplo (2017/18; 2018/19) and aiming at initiating a path towards the construction of a resilient metropolitan area.

Since 2015 he is member of the board of the Ph.D. Programme named ‘Urban Planning, Design and Policy’ at Polimi. He is instructor of a design studio named ‘Energy, Climate and Urban Planning’ offered at the MSc programme in Urban Planning and Policy Design, where he explores energy transition and urban resilience solutions at the urban level. He is also teacher of the course ‘Environmental Design Principles’, at the Bachelor programme in Urban Planning, with a specific focus on urban ecology and sustainable development applied to urban design.

His research interest is situated in the interplay between urban design and environmental quality, climate design, resilience and adaptation to climate change. He investigates the integration of environmental aspects and energy transition solutions for the design of sustainable communities and cities towards the closing of energy and environmental cycles. In particular, he focuses on the assessment of renewable energy sources (mainly solar and biomass) generation and its spatial implications at the local and regional scale. He is also working on strategic planning for sustainability and localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in master-planning design schemes and Higher Education Institutions. More recently, his research work has opened new insights on the topic of collaborative consumption and sharing society and how these new paradigms can inform urban planning, urban design and co-design approaches.

He was previously a Roberto Rocca postdoctoral fellow at the Human Space Lab, Polimi (2009) and at the SENSEable City Lab, MIT (2008). Earlier, he was adjunct professor at Polimi since (2006-2009), where he taught sustainable urban design. He holds a Ph.D. in environmental design and building technology from Polimi (2006).

List of publications
On Scopus Author Profiles (Scopus Author ID: 25321189900)
On Web of Science (WoS ResarcherID: AAF-5294-2020)
On ORCID (ORCID # 0000-0003-2382-6123)
On LinkedIN
My activities on the Polimi portal
Business Card